Art educator award Information
Program Objectives
To recognize excellence in the many outstanding individuals of NDAEA.
To focus professional attention on quality art education and exemplary art educators.
To increase public awareness of the importance of quality art education.
To set standards for quality art education and show how they can be achieved.
To provide tangible recognition of achievement, earn respect of colleagues, and enhance professional opportunities for NDAEA members.
Who May Nominate?
Individual Members, Business advocates, School officials, Interested persons that support and advance art education. Anyone!
Any Art Educator in North Dakota may be nominated. The Nominee must be a current NDAEA/NAEA member to be eligible for the Art Educator of the Year Award; however, if nominated and not a current member, the nominee can renew membership for consideration of the award. Dual membership is given for National and State registration please register here (
Award Selection
Nominations and supporting documentation are submitted to the NDAEA Awards Coordinator through the organization website. Nominees winners are voted by the NDAEA Board Members.
Award Presentations
There is 5 awards annually. One winner will be chosen seasonally (Fall ND Art Educator, Winter ND Art Educator, Spring ND Art Educator, Summer ND Art Educator) and are announced via email. North Dakota Art Educator of the Year is the 5th award. One seasonal award winner will be voted on to receive this prestigious award at the National Art Education Association Conference. Certificates and a letter to administration will be mailed. Awards will be presented at the annual National Art Education Convention. Please make arrangements with your administration to attend. (Room and Board will not be provided).
Press Release
Upon notification, each award recipient is asked to provide pertinent information so press releases may be sent by the national office to employers, local media, art departments, school administrators, etc.
Nomination Application Requirements:
Letter of Nomination (Online Application)
Completed Nominee Application Vita Form (form attached to notification email)
2 Letters of Support (not to exceed one page each)
2 Digital High-Resolution Images - Must include a head shot of the nominee and one of the three choices: nominee working with students, nominee with their own artwork, or nominee engaging in a school related activity.
1-2 paragraph Professional Biography (for potential use in award publications)